
Members and Guests


 Member Churches                            Gliedkirchen                          Eglises Membres

Belgium / Belgien / Belgique

Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in België


Denmark / Dänemark / Danemark

Evangelisk-Lutherske Frikirke i Danmark


England / England / Royaume-Uni

Evangelical Lutheran Church of England


France / Frankreich / France

Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne – Synode de France


Germany / Deutschland / Allemagne

Selbständige Evangelisch Lutherische Kirche


Norway / Norwegen / Norway

Evangelical-Lutheran Diocese in Norway


Portugal / Portugal / Portugal

Igreja Evangelica Luterana Portuguesa



Guest Churches               Gastkirchen               Eglises Hôtes

Belarus / Weissrussland / Bélarus

Belarus Evangelical Lutheran Church


Czech Rep. / Tschechei / Tchéquie

Silesian Evang. Church of the Augsburg Conf. in the Czech Republic


Estonia / Estonien / Estonie

Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church


Finland / Finland / Finlande

Evangelical-Lutheran Mission Province in Finland



Suomen Tunnustuksellinen Luterilainen Kirkko (former member Church)


Germany / Deutschland / Allemagne

Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Baden



Evangelisch-Lutherische Freikirche in Celle - Concordia Gemeinde



Evangelisch Lutherische Freikirche (former member Church)


Kazakstan / Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kazakstan


Kirgzstan / Kirghistan / Kirghizstan

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kirgzstan


Latvia / Lettland / Lettonie

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia


Lithuania / Litauen / Lituanie

Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran Church


Russia / Russland / Russie

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia


Spain / Spanien / Espagne

Iglesia Evangelica Lutherana Espanola


Sweden / Schweden / Suède

Evangelical-Lutheran Mission Province in Sweden



Evangelisk-Lutherska Kyrka i Sverige



Evangelisk-Lutherska Bekännelskyrkan i Sverige/Norge


Switzerland / Schweiz /

Confessional Lutheran Church in Switzerland


United Kingdom / Ver.Kön. / Roy.-Uni

Polish Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession Abroad



Lutheran Church-Missouri Synode, Coordinator for Europe: Rev. Robert Hartfield / Rick Blythe, John Mehl / Brent Smith / Dr. Albert Collver


South Africa / Südafrika / Afr. du Sud

Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa



Executive Committee

Function Name Church Contact
President Rev. Klaus Pahlen SELK pahlen @ euluthconf.org
Vice-President Rev. Philippe Volff EEL-SF philippe.volff @ outlook.fr
Secretary Rev. Claudio Flor ELCE claudio.flor @ euluthconf.org



(adopted June 26th 1999 / 16th ELC)


The European Lutheran Conference (ELC) is the association of Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Europe which have declared their adhesion.

Article 1 : Confession

The member churches hold the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the infallible word of God and recognise the Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, as contained in The Book of Concord of 1580  as the correct and binding exposition of these Scriptures.

Article 2 : Aims and Duties

The European Lutheran Conference promotes unity, fellowship and co-operation between the member churches. It does this through sharing in detailed studies in the areas of theology and evangelism. It also seeks church fellowship between its members and the Churches with guest status. Declaration of church fellowship is the responsibility of individual churches.

Article 3 : Members and Guests

  1. Member Churches are those
    • who meet the conditions of Article 1,
    • who have, in the past, participated in meetings of the ELC
    • and who confirm their membership by a formal declaration.
  2. Other Confessional Lutheran Churches may request membership in the ELC. At the conference following their request for membership, the ELC studies it and makes a decision on the matter. The Churches making the request are invited to the conference with guest status.
  3. Moreover, confessional Lutheran Churches who are not members of the ELC may participate in meetings as guests.

(... more under "Guiding Principles")