
Registration Form

for the 28th European Lutheran Conference / May 21-24, 2025 in Lisbon/Portugal

* * * * *

Please, send your Registration and Travelling Information before the end of February 2025.

Once you know your travel information, would you kindly share it with the ELC Steering Committee a.s.a.p., please?

Claudio Flor (, Klaus Pahlen ( and Philippe Volff (

* * * * *

Who is coming? – please include the full information for every delegate or guest attending from your church.
Information-fields with a star * are required to fill in.

Your Name (Delegate or Guest):
Name of 2. Delegate:
Name of (additional) Guest:
How do you travel?

ARRIVAL: Date / Time / Flight Number:

Food allergies or medical conditions the organizers need to be aware of?
DEPARTURE: Date / Time / Flight Number:
Message (optional)
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There has been some error while submitting the form. Fields with a * star are required. Please verify all form fields again.

This Registration Form will be submitted to the Secretary Claudio Flor. – Thank you.